Seed Descriptions & Resources

WSCIA makes no warranties, expressed or implied regarding accuracy of data as it is presented.  WSCIA generates this resource based on data provided.  Descriptions are for informational purposes only and should be checked with your local Certified Seed Dealer, breeding company or representative.  For varieties available for sale, please refer to order Foundation Seed.

Select a variety that has the genetic potential to perform well in your area. Several options exist to help you with this selection. Check with your local Certified Seed Dealer for input or check with the breeding company. Refer to the Winter and Spring Certified Seed Buying Guides which are excellent tools to use in determining what variety to select based on such data as plant height, emergence, winter survival index, days to head, test weight, disease resistance, protein and yields based on precipitation zones. For in-depth variety performance information, go to the WSU Extension Cereal Variety Testing Program web site.

Use the WSU Variety Selection Tool based on precipitations regions.  This tool compares variations in precipitation zones based on such things as yield, protein, physical attributes, disease ratings and quality.  Or browse the Portfolio of Varieties  to research public and private varieties based on such data as precipitation zone, disease, quality, adaptation, and winter survival. No matter what variety you select, field standards and seed standards had to have been met in order to obtain a certified class of seed.  

Listed below are the different crops offered for certification by WSCIA.  Please follow the links for further information about each crop and the specific varieties.